ACLU of Colorado Board Candidate FAQs

What are the responsibilities of the ACLU of Colorado Board of Directors?

The ACLU of Colorado Board of Directors functions as an oversight board. With the Executive Director, our primary work is to ensure that the ACLU of Colorado stays true to and advances its mission, values and mandate. Examples of the kinds of work we do include:

  • Participating in the development of long-range and annual priorities, and ensuring that  budget allocations are consistent with those priorities.
  • Reviewing major policy decisions when they involve significant risks or changes in direction.
  • Selecting the Executive Director, reviewing their performance and setting compensation.
  • Periodically reviewing and approving personnel policies and procedures.
  • Helping build connections with key constituencies.

What are the qualifications for serving as an ACLU of Colorado Board of Directors member?

A.What are the qualifications for serving as an ACLU of Colorado Board of Directors member?


Candidates for the Board do not need legal qualifications. We seek candidates for Board positions who care deeply about the mission of ACLU of Colorado, bring a variety of experiences, perspectives, and worldviews, and can commit to sharing their time and talents through Board service.

What is the time commitment for ACLU of Colorado Board service?

A.What is the time commitment for ACLU of Colorado Board service?


Current expectations for Board service include: Preparing for and attending Board meetings (six meetings per year), an annual full day Board advance, service on at least one Board Committee or ad hoc working group (6– 12 meetings a year) and participating in ACLU of Colorado events such the annual Membership Meeting and/or the annual Bill of Rights Event.

What is the length of Board service?

A.What is the length of Board service?


ACLU of Colorado Board members initially serve a term of three years that begin in September of each year. Board members may opt to serve for a second three-year term; Board members may not serve more than two terms.

Where and how does the Board meet?

A.Where and how does the Board meet?


Regular Board meetings occur six times a year on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm–7:30 pm MT. In the past, meetings have occurred in person at a downtown Denver location with optional video or audio access for members who cannot attend in person. More recently, meetings have been hosted virtually via Zoom. Board members are encouraged to attend in person at the annual full day Board advance which is usually at a location in downtown Denver.

Is there a financial (donation) commitment associated with serving on the Board?

A.Is there a financial (donation) commitment associated with serving on the Board?


All Board members must be a member of the ACLU ($25 a year). Board members are expected to support the ACLU of Colorado’s development effort. This might mean making a donation, assisting in fund raising efforts, or both.

Can I serve on the Board if I live outside the greater Denver metro area?

A.Can I serve on the Board if I live outside the greater Denver metro area?


Yes! We especially value perspectives from Board members outside of Denver. In order to assist Board members who are outside of Denver, we offer a stipend for travel to Denver for in- person meetings. 

What are the committees that I might serve on as a Board member?

A.What are the committees that I might serve on as a Board member?

  • Finance, Accounting and Budget Committee: Meets monthly
  • Nominating Committee: 6-12 meetings a year, mostly between February and August 
  • Governance Committee: 6-12 meetings a year
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging: 6-12 meetings a year
  • Legal Panel (must have legal qualifications): 6-12 meetings a year
  • Executive Committee (Elected Board Officers only): Meets monthly

How many Board positions are open and how many candidates are you looking for?

A.How many Board positions are open and how many candidates are you looking for?


We have between one and four positions open every year. We typically have more candidates applying for positions than open positions.

What is the process for selecting candidates?

A.What is the process for selecting candidates?


 Every year the Board conducts a self-assessment of the skills and talents of its members. We use this data to set goals for what we are looking for in future members. We then solicit nominations from outside organizations, Board members and Staff. We also solicit self-nominations from our membership. Once we have received applications, there is a multi-step process for selecting candidates. Following the April application deadline, the Nominating Committee will invite selected candidates for a telephone interview. The Nominating Committee then selects a set of finalists from among those interviewed in the first round. The finalist candidates are then interviewed via Zoom by the entire Nominating Committee, usually in June. A final slate of candidates is selected by the Nominating Committee and presented to the entire Board at our July board meeting for approval. Once approved by the board, the list of candidates is submitted to a final vote by the membership (usually in August.) If selected, service begins at the September Board meeting.