SB25-044 Synthetic Opiates Criminal Penalties
Concerning criminal penalties involving a controlled substance that includes certain synthetic opiates.
The bill makes it a level 1 drug felony if a person manufactures, dispenses, sells,...
During each legislative session, we track numerous bills that address important issues that affect our freedoms, and when appropriate, we provide testimony around these bills in the Colorado House and Senate.
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The bill makes it a level 1 drug felony if a person manufactures, dispenses, sells,...
The bill prohibits a person's failure to appear from forming the basis of a municipal criminal charge against...
Current law requires the...
The bill creates the Colorado Voting Rights Act (act) and modifies...
The bill makes the place of business of any person that is listed as an exempt organization in 26 U.S.C. sec. 501 (c), that is exempt from taxation pursuant to 26 U.S.C. sec. 501 (a) of the federal "...
The bill adds gender identity and gender expression to the classes identified in bias-motivated crimes and harassment. The bill redefines sexual orientation for purposes of bias-motivated crimes as an...