Headshot photo of Maya Walthall, smiling, standing on a beach in front of a rock formation

Growing up queer, Maya's interest in advocacy started young. She has been volunteering with the ACLU of Colorado for five years, starting when she testified on HB19-1032 for comprehensive sex education at age 15. Other areas of interest for Maya include immigration issues, gun control reform, and inclusivity in schools. She was a part of Youth Celebrate Diversity for two years, working to highlight resources for underrepresented groups and provide a sense of belonging. Recently, Maya has been enjoying life in downtown Seattle, while earning a Bachelor's degree in Political Science at Seattle University. She has taken up open water swimming in the lakes around Washington state and spends her free time with her cat, Cassian. Moving forward, Maya hopes to focus on issues of economic justice, prison reform, and reproductive rights. Maya is very excited to be the Advocacy & Strategic Alliances Intern during the summer of 2024.