Current law provides for the issuance of identification documents, such as driver's licenses, to people who are temporarily present or who are not lawfully present in Colorado. The bill requires the department of revenue to issue these documents at 10 or more offices geographically distributed throughout the state.
Current status
- Governor Signed (05/28/2019)
- Sent to the Governor (04/25/2019)
- House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments (04/11/2019)
- House Committee on Transportation & Local Government Refer Unamended to Appropriations (04/03/2019)
- Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation & Local Government (03/14/2019)
- Senate Third Reading Passed - No Amendments (03/14/19)
- Senate Committee on Appropriations Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole (03/08/19)
- Senate Committee on Finance Refer Amended to Appropriations (02/28/2019)
- Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Finance (02/12/19)