SB21-124: Changes To Felony Murder
Under current law, it is a class 1 felony if a person commits or attempts to commit certain specified felonies and the death of a person, other than one of the participants, is caused by anyone during the...
During each legislative session, we track numerous bills that address important issues that affect our freedoms, and when appropriate, we provide testimony around these bills in the Colorado House and Senate.
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Under current law, it is a class 1 felony if a person commits or attempts to commit certain specified felonies and the death of a person, other than one of the participants, is caused by anyone during the...
The bill permits, subject to available appropriations, the department of corrections to create a brain injury pilot program to determine whether a comprehensive brain injury program within the department...
The bill makes the following changes to the local government and special district election codes:
The bill requires the department of corrections (department) to operate a program to assist offenders with acquiring state-issued identification cards and other identification documents necessary for...
Based on the findings and recommendations of the committee on legal services, the bill extends all state agency rules that were adopted or amended on or after November 1, 2019, and before November 1, 2020,...
Sections 1 and 2 of the bill change the eligibility criteria for inmates who are eligible for special needs parole. The bill allows an inmate to request that the department of corrections (DOC)...