SB20-083:Prohibit Courthouse Civil Arrest
The bill protects an individual from civil arrest while the person is present at a courthouse or on its environs, or while going to, attending, or coming from a court proceeding. A judge or magistrate may...
During each legislative session, we track numerous bills that address important issues that affect our freedoms, and when appropriate, we provide testimony around these bills in the Colorado House and Senate.
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The bill protects an individual from civil arrest while the person is present at a courthouse or on its environs, or while going to, attending, or coming from a court proceeding. A judge or magistrate may...
The bill establishes a physician-patient relationship between a child born alive after or during an abortion and the physician who performed or attempted to perform the abortion. The bill requires the...
The bill makes an offender serving a sentence in the department of corrections for a felony offense that was committed while the offender was 18 to 24 years of age eligible for parole after the offender...
The bill establishes a parent's bill of rights that sets forth specific parental rights related to directing the upbringing, education, and health care of a minor child.
The bill creates in the department of public health and environment (department) the menstrual hygiene products accessibility grant program (grant program) to provide awards to public schools or school...
The bill protects minors from mutilation and sterilization. The bill creates a crime of unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor. A health care professional commits unlawful sex reassignment treatment...