HB19-1297: Jail Capacity Data Collection
Under existing law, the keeper of a jail is required to maintain records concerning the persons confined in the jail. The bill expands the information that a keeper of a jail is required to maintain. The...
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Under existing law, the keeper of a jail is required to maintain records concerning the persons confined in the jail. The bill expands the information that a keeper of a jail is required to maintain. The...
Under existing law, possession of any amount of flunitrazepam, ketamine, cathinones, or a controlled substance listed in schedule I or II is a level 4 drug felony. Possession of a controlled substance...
The bill permits the issuance of a marriage license only to a person who is 18 years of age, unless the person is at least 16.5 years of age and emancipated through a court procedure. The bill creates a...
Under current law, if a defendant is arrested for certain crimes and the court determines that the public would be in significant peril if the accused is released, the defendant is not bailable. The bill...
Existing law prohibits a person serving a sentence of parole from being eligible to register to vote or to vote in any election. Section 1 of the bill declares that the purposes of parole are served...
The bill creates a new correctional facility level designation for transition centers that are used to enhance successful reintegration into the community. Under current law, there are prison population...