HB18-1225: Protect Human Life At Conception
The bill prohibits terminating the life of an unborn child and makes a violation a class 1 felony. The following are exceptions to the prohibition: • A licensed physician performs a medical procedure...
During each legislative session, we track numerous bills that address important issues that affect our freedoms, and when appropriate, we provide testimony around these bills in the Colorado House and Senate.
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The bill prohibits terminating the life of an unborn child and makes a violation a class 1 felony. The following are exceptions to the prohibition: • A licensed physician performs a medical procedure...
This bill declares protecting religious freedom from government intrusion as a state interest of the highest order.The bill defines "sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions"regarding the sex...
Current law generally requires a state or local agency to get a search warrant before obtaining location information from an electronic device. The bill authorizes the Colorado department of transportation...
The bill is a referred measure to be voted upon at the election on November 6, 2018. It is known as the Colorado Politician Accountability Act. The bill includes a legislative declaration that states that...
Current law requires each county to publish a report about its expenses and contracts (expense report), the salaries of public employees and officials in the county (salary report), and the financial...
Section 1 of the bill allows a person on parole to preregister to vote. A person who preregisters is required to meet all the requirements of a person who registers. When the secretary of state (...