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A Message from Executive Director, Deborah Richardson

The ACLU of Colorado has always prided itself on its commitment to member engagement, and the annual voting process for our Board of Directors is one aspect of this. However, I would like to offer a new vision, one that encourages us to move away from member election of the Board, in the interest of the stability, continuity, and long-term good of the organization. The vision I propose is reflected in the proposed change to the organization’s bylaws that are set out in the Notice of the Annual Members’ Meeting. Following this change, after selection and vetting by the Nominating Committee, future directors will be elected by the outgoing Board rather than the organization’s members.

Here are a few reasons why I believe this change could benefit us:

  • Membership Structure: After seventy years of operation and the addition of thousands of members, election of the Board by our members has become unwieldy and cumbersome. We must modernize our organization to meet the needs of our diverse and growing community and ensure continuity of a strong Board.
  • Commitment to our Cause: Nonprofits with membership voting may be vulnerable to influence by opposition groups. These groups may encourage their supporters to join and influence key decisions to undermine the organization's mission. By allowing our Board members to elect future directors, we ensure that only those who are deeply committed to our cause will be entitled to elect new Board members.
  • Diversity and Experience: Our Board members possess a wide range of skills, expertise, and lived experiences that can greatly benefit our organization. By allowing this group of qualified individuals who reflect the communities we serve to take the lead, we can ensure a strong, diverse and committed Board of Directors.
  • Efficiency: Eliminating an annual member voting process would free up valuable staff resources, allowing them to redirect their time and energy toward advancing or strategic priorities rather than managing an outdated procedure.
  • Unity and Collective Decision-Making: By giving the outgoing Board the authority to elect new Board members, we are sending a powerful message that we trust the judgment and integrity of our Board of Directors. This would encourage us to work together to make informed and collective decisions, thus fostering unity and commitment.

To make this transition, I believe that adopting the proposed changes to our bylaws is in the best interests of our organization. We should entrust our Board Nominating Committee comprised of trusted and experienced board members to identify and recruit suitable candidates for the Board. Members will continue to have meaningful input through open discussions, annual meetings, and public board meetings, but we’ll protect our organization from a small outside faction undoing our collective vision.

I understand that this proposal represents a shift in the way we operate as an organization, and it is essential to ensure that your voices are heard. Please consider this proposal as a reflection of my deep respect for your dedication and belief in the potential of the ACLU of Colorado

Read the proposed bylaws changes in the document below: