On September 14, 2023, we filed an amicus brief together with the national ACLU and several other ACLU affiliates in VoteAmerica, et al. v. Schwab, et al., a voting rights and First Amendment case in the Tenth Circuit.  The case presented a challenge to a Kansas law that restricted voting rights by criminally prohibiting out of state civil organizations from personalizing absentee voting applications by prefilling the voters’ basic information from the voter file.  The district court struck down the statute as a violation of the First Amendment in the voting rights/electoral context, upholding the rights of organizations to support voters who want to submit absentee applications.  Our amicus brief supports striking down the restrictions as a violation of the First Amendment and sets the record straight regarding the protections afforded to core political speech. 

Date filed

September 14, 2023


U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit


On appeal

Case number
