The bill prohibits a department, agency, board, commission, or officer or employee of the state or a political subdivision of the state from using public funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of federal civil immigration laws. The bill allows a state employee or employee of a political subdivision of the state to cooperate or assist federal immigration enforcement authorities in the execution of a warrant issued by a federal judge or magistrate or honoring any writ issued by any state or federal judge concerning the transfer of a prisoner to or from federal custody. The bill prohibits the state or a political subdivision of the state from entering into any contractual agreement that would require an employee to directly or indirectly assist in the enforcement of federal civil immigration laws. The bill prohibits federal immigration authorities access to the secure areas of any city or county jail or other law enforcement facility for the purpose of conducting investigative interviews or for any other purpose related to the enforcement of federal civil immigration laws unless federal immigration authorities present a warrant issued by a federal judge or magistrate. The bill prohibits a law enforcement officer from arresting or detaining an individual solely on the basis of a civil immigration detainer.
Current status
- Governor Signed (05/28/2019)
- Senate Third Reading Passed - No Amendments (05/03/2019)
- Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole (04/30/19)
- Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs (04/27/19)
- House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments (04/23/19)
- House Second Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments (04/12/2019)
- House Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Refer Amended to Appropriations (03/28/2019)
- House Committee on Transportation & Local Government Refer Unamended to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs (03/27/19)
- Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation & Local Government + Appropriations (01/16/2019)