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Friday, October 11, 2013 - 11:18pm

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Statement of ACLU of Colorado Legal Director Mark Silverstein

“The American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado strongly opposes Denver’s ill-advised, unnecessary, and unconstitutional proposed rules ‘concerning the possession and consumption of marijuana.’

“The ordinance, as proposed, is an irrational overreach that will inevitably result in unnecessary police-community confrontations. Voters made it clear last year that law enforcement time and resources should not be spent pursuing low-level marijuana arrests.

“Two out of three Denver voters agreed that marijuana should be legalized but regulated like alcohol. This proposed ordinance does not regulate marijuana like alcohol: no one risks a year in jail for drinking a beer in their fenced back yard, yet this ordinance would make criminals once again of persons who enjoy a legal joint on their back porch, if anyone can see or smell from a public area or a nearby property. The proposed ordinance also violates the Colorado Constitution by making it a crime to carry a legal product in your pocket if you are walking on the Sixteenth Street Mall.

“It’s hard to read this proposal and not wonder what they’ve been smoking up at City Hall.”

more on this case


Friday, October 11, 2013 - 9:15pm

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A death penalty trial costs Colorado taxpayers approximately $3.5 million versus $150,000 for a life without parole trial. Prosecutors are currently pursuing the death penalty in three counties that have made recent deep cuts to important public priorities and services.

(Cost figures were calculated by Coloradans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty based on open records requests from recent death penalty and life without parole trials in Colorado. The $3.5 million and $150,000 estimates include trial costs only, not the additional costs of the appeals process.)

The costs of a death penalty trial would pay for:

•   One month of essential services (meals, rides, and in-home services) to 10,000 elderly Coloradans
Retrieved from: Schaufele, Jennifer. “Colorado’s elderly are facing dire cuts due to the sequester.” The Denver Post 8/30/2013  [$3,500,000/$350=10,000]

•   Give nearly 500 more children access to Head Start
Retrieved from: Lu, Adrienne. “Head Start hit with worst cuts in its history.” USA Today 8/20/13 [$400,000,000/$57,000=$7.017.54 per child] [$3,500,000/$7,017.54=498]

•   Pay 77 firefighters’ salaries
Retrieved from: Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010 Median Pay  [$3,500,000/45,250=77]

•   Pay 71 teachers’ salaries
Retrieved from: Colorado Department of Education, average teacher salary, Fall 2011  [$3,500,000/49,046=71]

•   Pay the salaries of 115 EMT/Paramedics
Retrieved from: Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010 Median Pay (  [$3,500,000/$30,360=115]

•   Buy more than 40,000 new high school algebra textbooks
Retrieved from: Holt McDougal online pricing [last accessed 10/2/13]  [$3,500,000/$86.65=40,392]

Taxpayers are spending millions on death penalty trials while:

•   Arapahoe County is accruing over $200,000,000 in debt obligations.

Retrieved from: “Debt and Lease Obligations. Arapahoe County: Budget 2013. p284.
o Arapahoe County accrued $201,277,016 of debt obligation.
o Arapahoe County Government Total Capital Lease Obligations + Arapahoe County Water & Wastewater Public Improvement District Total General Obligation Bonds = Total Outstanding Debt and Capital Lease Obligations (12/21/2013 Principal Balance) = $50,075,000 + $151,202,016 = $201,277,016

•   Denver County is “furloughing employees, reducing library hours, and delaying street repairs.”
Retrieved from: Meyer, Jeremy. “Mayor Hancock pushes for "de-Brucing." The Denver Post 09/13/2012
o “Achieves $94 million in cuts by furloughing employees, reducing library hours and delaying street repairs.”

•   Douglas County is cutting more than $300,000 from developmental disability services.
Retrieved from: “Other Governmental Services.” Douglas County 2013 Adopted Budget. p183
o Cutting $303,742 from Developmental Disability services.
o Douglas County 2012 Developmental Disabilities Expenditures – Douglas County 2013 Developmental Disabilities Expenditures = Developmental Disabilities Expenditure Loss/Cuts = $4,863,565 - $4,559,823 = $303,742


Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 10:57pm

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