By Denise Maes

The Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC) has announced that effective February 2013 it will close a wing of its Centennial Correctional Facility (known as "CSP II") that currently houses 316 high security/solitary confinement beds. This move will save Colorado taxpayers $4.5 million in fiscal year 2012-2013 and $13.6 million in fiscal year 2013-2014. This savings comes at the right time for Colorado.

CDOC's announcement is earth-shaking news and should be applauded. When CSP II's opening was announced in 2010, there were already 750 inmates in solitary confinement. The state budget was in a crisis, and yet the state managed to find almost $10 million to add another 316 solitary confinement beds in CSP II’s south wing.

For many years now, the ACLU and other coalition partners have argued that solitary confinement is fundamentally inhumane, a waste of taxpayer dollars, and that corrections officials should focus on more successful and cost-effective alternatives. We know that solitary confinement units and the prisons that house them cost as much as four times more to maintain and operate than typical prison facilities. Moreover, over use of solitary confinement has a detrimental effect on inmates’ psyches and is likely to make them more aggressive, uncontrollable and, upon release from prison, more likely to reoffend and be reincarcerated.

Finally, the practice is inhumane: solitary confinement places an individual in a prison cell 22 to 24 hours a day, with no natural light or human contact and for an indefinite length of time.

With these facts, ACLU-Colorado's main legislative campaign in 2011 was to radically limit solitary confinement in CDOC by restricting the use of solitary confinement for inmates with severe mental health issues, creating a transition process for inmates leaving solitary confinement before community re-entry, and funding DOC mental health program alternatives. With a broad-based coalition and with the assistance of aggressive state legislative bill sponsors, we pushed legislation that would accomplish these goals.

Although ultimately our bill did not pass the legislature, the great momentum we initiated against solitary confinement resulted in a good compromise. The legislature passed a bill that ensured a funding mechanism to support mental health alternatives to solitary confinement and the DOC committed to undertake an audit of its practices regarding solitary confinement. The result has been a radical reduction in the solitary confinement population. Indeed, in just a three-month period, more than 300 inmates have been removed from solitary confinement and into the general prison population without an increase in violence or other disruptions.

CDOC claims that the closure of the south wing of CSP II is due to decreasing prison population. That may be true, but undoubtedly CDOC learned through its audit (conducted by an outside third-party source) that, like many states, Colorado was overusing solitary confinement. Solitary confinement should be used rarely and only for those inmates who cannot be managed safely in general population because they are an ongoing threat to staff or other prisoners. Many prisons, however, utilize solitary confinement as punishment for an inmates' violation of routine rules and regulations. Moreover, considering the economy and the fact that most prisoners in solitary confinement are eventually released into our communities, CDOC hopefully has made the conscious choice to use taxpayer dollars on initiatives that assist with re-entry into our communities and to cease the wasteful and shameful practice of solitary confinement and limit its use to only the most appropriate situations.

The United States is number one in the world when it comes to the most inmates held in solitary confinement. Colorado's use of solitary confinement is two-to-three times higher than any other state in the nation. These are not proud facts. CDOC's announcement is, however. It should be applauded.

Maes is Public Policy Director for the ACLU of Colorado

This post originially appeared on the ACLU Blog of Rights


Friday, March 22, 2013 - 7:54pm

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March 20, 2013

Statement of ACLU of Colorado Executive Director Nathan Woodliff-Stanley on the death of Tom Clements, Colorado Department of Corrections Executive Director 

"The ACLU of Colorado is profoundly saddened to learn of the death of Tom Clements, Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections. We send our deepest sympathies to Mr. Clements’ family.

"During his short two-year tenure, Mr. Clements took significant strides to protect the civil rights and human dignity of prisoners. Not only did he close Colorado State Penitentiary II – a supermax facility designed to deny prisoners human contact – but he dramatically reduced the population of prisoners held in solitary conditions. In the last several months, he worked cooperatively with the ACLU of Colorado to reduce the significant numbers of seriously mentally ill prisoners held in long-term solitary confinement.

"Mr. Clements was an intelligent, kind and humane leader who was open and receptive to the ACLU’s work. He will be deeply missed."


Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 4:22pm

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Statement of ACLU of Colorado legal director Mark Silverstein on the Colorado Springs City Council’s decision to repeal the downtown no-solicitation zone

“The ACLU of Colorado is pleased that Colorado Springs has decided to repeal this overbroad, ill-advised and unconstitutional ordinance.

It was a tremendous overreach to try to forbid any and all solicitation in a huge 12-city block downtown area. The City was unable to cite a single case in which a court had upheld such a breathtakingly broad restriction of speech.

“We are delighted that the free expression rights of musicians, theater performers, nonprofit fundraisers and others will be restored and respected.”

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - 8:30pm

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