The people of Denver will elect a Mayor in just a few short days and the sad fact is that neither candidate has made any attempt to communicate their views on one of the most important issues concerning Denver residents – police brutality.

This is a sorry state of affairs. The candidates are afraid of the issue while we, in the community, are just plain afraid of the police.

Who wants to live in that kind of city?

So we are calling on the candidates for Mayor to do two things. We call on them to announce that, if elected, police reform will be priority #1. We call on them to demonstrate that commitment by agreeing to meet with members of our broad coalition in the first days of their administration. And we need to hear this from their own mouths before the final votes are counted Tuesday … and before the Department of Justice begins its investigation.

For the victor, reforming law enforcement must be the mandate.

Meeting with us will be the first step.


Friday, June 3, 2011 - 11:17pm

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