This report explores the housing landscape in the largest cities, and county seats, within those three counties. The data collected on housing in each of the cities and regions highlighted in this report gives us some insight on what smaller surrounding cities and towns are likely facing. 


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Denver activists targetted in JTTF's multi-state campaign to intimidate protesters

In the summer of 2004, the Denver JTTF, as part of an organized program in at least six states, visited at least a dozen Denver activists and posed the same series of three questions. Are you planning to commit any crimes at the upcoming Democratic and Republican conventions? Do you know anyone who is planning any crimes? Are you aware that you commit a crime if you have some information but fail to tell the FBI? After the New York Times wrote a front-page article, the ranking Democrat of the House Judiciary Committee asked the Justice Department to investigate whether the JTTF was engaged in “systematic political harassment and intimidation of legitimate antiwar protesters.”

“The FBI Pursues an AFSC Intern,” McCarthyism Watch, The Progressive, Aug. 21, 2004

“ACLU Denounces FBI Tactics Targeting Political Protesters,” News Release, Aug. 16, 2004

“New documents confirm: FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force targets peaceful activists for harassment, political surveillance,” ACLU News Release, May 18, 2005



Thursday, December 8, 2005 - 11:00am

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