The following statement can be attributed to Deborah Richardson, ACLU of Colorado Executive Director.

The recent uptick in Colorado’s otherwise historically low crime rates is a deeply serious concern, especially for those communities most impacted by violence and harm. We owe it to all Coloradans to stay focused on proven, long-term solutions that prevent violence and crime and lift our neighborhoods up. It would make Colorado less safe, and be a grave mistake, to double down on “tough on crime” practices that have caused intergenerational harm, financial loss, and damage to Colorado’s families.

The Colorado Crime Wave “report” makes no attempt to examine the well-known leading causes of crime — including housing insecurity, job loss, the opioid epidemic, the shuttering of after-school programs — all of which likely bear a far more direct relationship to the post-recession and pandemic-era rise in some crimes than recent criminal justice reforms. This “report” makes no attempt to quantify the benefits of recent reforms that have kept working parents at their jobs and at home taking care of their families.

A “report” with deficiencies this glaringly obvious cannot be taken seriously, and indeed, it is not intended to be. Rather than genuinely examining the root causes of crime and the best solutions, it strains to reach a foregone conclusion long-held by defenders of the “tough-on-crime” status quo driven by a clear political agenda.

Colorado can lead the nation in making a shift toward long-term safety by preventing violence and interrupting cycles of harm. The ACLU of Colorado applauds Governor Jared Polis for prioritizing evidence-based solutions in his budget that have been shown in study-after-study to dramatically reduce crime, including mental health services, juvenile justice, community investments, and reentry support. All of which have improved safety without the negative consequences of aggressive, racially discriminatory policing and imprisonment.

We face a fork in the road. We can continue down the path of investing in long-term solutions to crime prevention that will create healthier and more resilient communities and address decades of racial injustice. Or risk going backwards with those who have staunchly opposed nearly every common-sense reform, regardless of the collateral damage to families, so long as it means investing money and power into the criminal legal system, rather than directly into our communities.

ACLU of Colorado believes our state has already made the right choice. We urge Coloradans to join us and our community partners in improving safety by building stronger communities, or we can listen to the fear-mongering of those who created the “tough-on-crime” excesses of the past in the first place. Those interested in sustaining their stronghold on punishment should also be able to justify to the public that the costs are not outweighing the benefits — they can’t.


Sunday, December 19, 2021 - 12:00pm

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It would make colorado less safe and be a grave mistake to double down on tough on crime practices that have caused intergenerational harm, financial loss, and damage to colorado's families. Statement by Deborah Richardson, ACLU of CO Executive Director

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Bring Our Neighbors Home is a multi-year, community driven campaign to increase pretrial liberty while working to end wealth-based detention and combat racism at every stage of the criminal legal system. People accused of crimes must be afforded the presumption of innocence, and whenever possible should remain free while resolving their legal cases. Money bond unjustly forces people to stay in jail solely because they can’t afford to pay for their freedom. The presumption of innocence is only a theory unless it is put into practice. Bring Our Neighbors Home will help make that possible.


Wednesday, January 1, 2020 - 10:00am

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Miko McMahon-Piel is a Denver student and artist.

What does community mean to you?
Community means being a part of what is going on. Whether I am at school or with my friends or my soccer team I feel connected to the neighborhood where I live. At school, we have worked on community to include all people and to share our different cultures with each other. 

Who do you count on in your community?
I count on my friends. They are always there for me no matter what. 

What’s your hidden talent?
I do not have a hidden talent but I am an artist. I draw and paint murals. 

Guilty pleasure?
I like to shop for shoes, clothes and jewelry.

Where is home? What does home mean to you?
I live in northwest Denver. Home means anywhere with my family and friends. I like to be around the people who support me and where I am most comfortable.

What’s the last thing that made you smile?
Staying up late and playing video games with my friends. My favorite video game is GTA.

That made you cry?
When my grandpa passed away. We played guitar, laughed a lot together and he told the best stories. 

What do you do for selfcare?
I work out, play soccer and eat well. Art also is part of my selfcare because it feeds my soul. 

What do you do to care for others?
I tell people I care about them and I show it by helping them when they need it.

What gives you hope?
We are making progress for minorities like me and I am hopeful that we are going to make a better world for everyone. 

How different was your life a few years ago?
I got to see my friends and family more and I was going to school every day. Now we are able to get back to seeing all the people who are important to me and it is much better again. 

What are you grateful for right now?
I am grateful for my friends, my girlfriend and my family who supports me one hundred percent. I am also grateful to be able to do art and make murals with some amazing artists in my community like Erin Lea-Dougherty and Jaime Molina.

Are you working to make your community a better place? Want to nominate someone you know who’s making a difference? Please send Community Q&A nominations to [email protected].


Thursday, December 16, 2021 - 9:00am

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Denver student Miko McMahon-Piel and artist Jaime Molina's mural

Denver student Miko McMahon-Piel and artist Jaime Molina's mural.

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