We need your help. If you live in Adams, Jefferson, Larimer or Pueblo, your Senator may be the deciding vote in whether pretrial justice succeeds in Colorado. Senate Bill 21-062 is being considered by the Colorado Senate. Without your support, this bill will not pass into law, and thousands of Coloradans will remain behind bars simply because they can’t afford to pay bond.

RSVP: https://acluco.org/2QKdIuP

Suicide remains a leading cause of death in jail. Too many people will ultimately die from desperation behind bars solely because they can’t afford to pay bond. A justice system that requires money in exchange for freedom costs lives.

On April 28 at 4 p.m., join us for an hour of activism on SB21-062. You’ll get behind-the-scenes information on the bill, have all your questions answered and workshop the most impactful action you can take, including personalized emails and calls to your Senator.



1. It’s time to reverse the trend of CO’s exploding jail population. Before COVID, over 12,000 people slept in Colorado jails every night, an 800% increase since the 1970s. Our jail population grew exponentially because of a massive increase in the pretrial population.

2. Jails do not keep us safe. Failed broken windows policing and the war on drugs have filled our jails with people accused of low-level crimes who pose no safety risk.

3. Mass incarceration harms our most vulnerable communities. SB21-062 safely reduces jail populations by limiting cash bail and pretrial detention — punishments that disproportionately harm our most vulnerable neighbors. For example, people in jail are 4 times more likely to have disabilities, and more than half of people in jail have psychiatric disabilities.

4. SB21-62 is a racial justice bill. Black, Indigenous and Latino people are disproportionately policed and arrested compared to White people, and they are more likely to have money bond set, more likely to face higher bond amounts and more likely to be detained pretrial.

5. Jails are not a solution to societal problems. Jails have become our first response to homelessness, substance abuse and mental illness, even though jail staff lack the expertise or resources to address these societal problems.

6. Urgent need for pretrial justice. Most people in jail are held pretrial, have not been convicted of a crime, and remain incarcerated only because they cannot afford to pay money bond.

7. SB21-62 is a harm reduction bill. Because a disproportionate number of people living in poverty, LGBTIQ people, people with mental health issues, and people with disabilities are arrested and jailed for low-level crimes, SB21-062 is also a social justice bill. Because they are extremely vulnerable to violence, abuse, and trauma in interactions with police and in jails, SB21-062 is also a harm reduction bill.

8. SB21-62 ensures jails are reserved for people who pose a safety threat. SB21-62 adopts a narrow set of COVID-19 jail population reduction policies aimed at keeping people accused of low level offenses out of jail while leaving wide discretion to arrest and hold people who pose a safety threat.

9. SB21-62 safely decrease use of cash bonds. SB21-62 limits the use of money bonds to cases where there is a safety or a flight risk so that fewer people are incarcerated solely for poverty.

10. SB21-62 saves taxpayer money. With a daily incarceration cost of $98.83 per person, sustained jail population reductions could save local communities millions each year.

11. Wealth-based detention Is harmful, cruel and can be deadly. Suicide is a leading cause of death in jails. Too many Coloradans have died by suicide while held in jail on money bond. Under SB21-62, they would likely have been free. Pretrial detention destabilizes people. 12. Pretrial detention can send people’s lives into a downward spiral as they risk losing their job, their housing, their medical care, and custody of their children. Pretrial detention puts people at a higher risk for future involvement with the criminal legal system while increasing convictions and causing steeper sentences.

13. Crime survivors in support of SB21-62. SB21-62 went through an eight-month stakeholder process and is supported by a wide coalition including victims rights organizations, crime survivors, racial justice advocates, interfaith groups, sheriffs, and public safety advocates who are working to make this bill into law. Many crime survivors feel the system is not working to protect them or repair the harm they have suffered. If arresting people accused of low-level crimes and the money bond system had kept them safe, survivors would not be in support of SB21-62.

14. Now is the time for police reform. Now is a time for law enforcement resources and attention to be directed at preventing real crime and violence, rather than on arresting and jailing folks dealing with visible homelessness, low-level offenses, and non-violent non-victims rights act crimes.

15. Follows best lessons from COVID-19. During the COVID-19 crisis, sheriffs, judges, public defenders, and district attorneys worked together to save lives by reserving jail beds for people who pose a safety risk to others. SB21-062 takes the lessons learned and best practices from COVID-era jail population reduction efforts and enshrines a narrow subset of these strategies into law going forward.

By minimizing arrests, limiting the use of cash bail and pretrial detention, and correcting systemic injustices, we can reduce Colorado’s jail populations AND safeguard the public.

Event Date

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 (All day)

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Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - 12:00am

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I am writing to ask you to support SB21-062 because had this bill been law, it could have saved my son’s life. Our son, Jerid Jason Thistle, was a loving son and father. He struggled with an addiction to methamphetamines that led to mental health issues.

We had a plan for Jerid to move home to Washington. It was his dream to open a home mechanic shop on our property. He was a terrific mechanic. You can ask anyone who works at the Alamosa Sheriff’s office. They all had their vehicles fixed by Jerid. We offered Jerid this dream if he completed drug treatment. He was ready to do so. But, instead, he lost his life alone in a jail cell.

Jerid faced a pending charge of theft under $500 and carrying an illegal weapon. Both the prosecutor and public defender agreed Jerid was safe for release on a non-monetary bond, but the judge refused. Jerid could not afford the $5,000 bond in his case. So his only option was pretrial incarceration.

Photograph of Jerid Thistle Smiling and making two peace signs with his hands

While struggling through a painful detox with no support, and facing the reality that because he was poor, he would have to wait in jail for months until trial, Jerid felt hopeless. Three days after arrest, my son died by suicide alone in that cell.

Jerid’s suicide was a shock and I remain devasted by this loss. Detoxing in a cell, pending trial, with no intervention, is not the right response to addiction and mental health. We need a better system, where jail cells are reserved for people who pose a real safety risk and where people like my son are not driven to desperation because they can’t pay for their freedom. I ask you to please support SB21-062 not just for our son but for people like Jerid who are sitting in the Alamosa jail right now and for those who will surely follow.

Thank you, June Fraser Thistle

Learn more about SB21-062

Take action to support SB21-062 


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 - 2:45pm

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Sepia-tone headshot photograph of Jerid Thistle

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