In this episode, we continue our series on Colorado’s death penalty. Our guest Dean Sanderford, witnessed the horribly botched execution of his client, Clayton Lockett. Public Policy Associate, Helen Griffiths interviews.

Read the ACLU of Colorado report, “Ending a Broken System: Colorado’s Expensive, Ineffective and Unjust Death Penalty” at:

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The Purple State Report is brought to you by the ACLU of Colorado. Our show is produced by Vanessa Michel and Helen Griffiths with production help from Paul Snyder. Original theme music by Pablo Novelas. Additional music by Benjamin Clementine. If you have feedback or suggestions for future episodes email us at [email protected].



Wednesday, January 22, 2020 - 2:05pm

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Since October of 2012, it has been my enormous privilege to serve as Executive Director of the ACLU of Colorado. Now, I am preparing to move on from this position, after completing our current fiscal year on March 31. I would not do this if I were not confident that we have the resources, staff and expertise to continue the critical work we do every day. You can read the official announcement at

When I began this position, I could not have imagined everything that we would accomplish in less than eight years. Our staff has more than doubled, our budget and reserves have more than tripled, and our membership has more than quadrupled. We have seen many dozens of legal victories and settlements, local policy wins, and legislative and ballot victories that have protected or expanded civil rights and civil liberties in Colorado. We have seen civil unions and marriage equality, many elements of criminal justice reform, expansion of voting rights in Colorado, laws to protect immigrants, protection of reproductive rights and so much more. We have built a communications team, added positions in education, issue research, and development, created a new campaigns and field capacity and learned how to mobilize members and supporters in elections.

That essential work, to protect and defend the civil rights and dignity of each person across all the arenas in which this fight occurs will soon continue under a new leader. Your continued support is essential to this work. The ACLU of Colorado and the ACLU nationwide will keep fighting vigorously for our rights and our democracy in this critical year and for many more years to come. I thank you for showing your commitment by continuing or increasing your support for the ACLU both now and in the future.

Nathan Woodliff-Stanley


Friday, January 17, 2020 - 10:15am

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