By canceling DACA, Trump has put 800,000 young people at risk of losing their jobs and being deported from the only country they know as home. Passing the bipartisan Dream Act would protect them. We asked four Dreamers why the Dream Act is important to them and their future.



Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 12:30pm

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On today’s episode, we go back to an interview with Alejandra and ACLU clients Dave Mullins and Charlie Craig, the Colorado couple who were turned away by a bakery that refused to sell them a cake to celebrate their wedding. This past December, the case went before the US Supreme Court. ACLU of Colorado Staff Attorney, Sara Neel, provides insight on the Supreme Court oral arguments. 

Call To Action: Congress has the power to reverse the FCC’s regulation dismantling net neutrality protections. Add your name now to protect our free, fair, and open internet.

The Purple State Report is brought to you by the ACLU of Colorado. Our show was produced by Vanessa Michel, Alejandra Garza, and John Krieger with original theme music by Pablo Novelas. Additional music by Santigold. If you have feedback or suggestions for future episodes email us at [email protected].


Tuesday, December 19, 2017 - 10:01am

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