In response to Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States, ACLU executive director Anthony D. Romero had the following statement:
“For nearly 100 years, the American Civil Liberties Union has been the nation’s premier defender of freedom and justice for all, no matter who is president. Our role is no different today.”
“President-elect Trump, as you assume the nation’s highest office, we urge you to reconsider and change course on certain campaign promises you have made. These include your plan to amass a deportation force to remove 11 million undocumented immigrants; ban the entry of Muslims into our country and aggressively surveil them; punish women for accessing abortion; reauthorize waterboarding and other forms of torture; and change our nation’s libel laws and restrict freedom of expression.”
“These proposals are not simply un-American and wrong-headed, they are unlawful and unconstitutional. They violate the First, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. If you do not reverse course and instead endeavor to make these campaign promises a reality, you will have to contend with the full firepower of the ACLU at every step. Our staff of litigators and activists in every state, thousands of volunteers and millions of card-carrying supporters are ready to fight against any encroachment on our cherished freedoms and rights.”
“One thing is certain: we will be eternally vigilant every single day of your presidency and when you leave the Oval Office, we will do the same with your successor.”
The ACLU released its analysis of candidate Trump’s policy proposals in July, which can be found at: https://medium.com/acluelection2016/donald-trump-a-one-man-constitutiona...


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 2:46pm

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DENVER: Two days after the launch of an emergency campaign to stop the retrial of Clarence Moses-EL, who spent 28 years in prison for a crime he did not commit and now faces a highly controversial retrial by outgoing Denver DA Mitch Morrissey, a coalition of community activist groups and concerned citizens will deliver a petition signed by thousands of Coloradans demanding that Morrissey end this persecution of an innocent man.
“Clarence Moses-EL has already spent 28 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit,” said ProgressNow Colorado Executive Director Ian Silverii. “The facts and irregularities in this case are overwhelming. No physical evidence tying Clarence to the crime has ever been produced. Another man convicted in separate sexual assault cases has confessed to the crime.”
“There’s no easy way to say it: railroading an innocent man while the public’s attention is on the elections makes a mockery of the justice DA Morrissey is sworn to uphold,” said Silverii. “We’re calling on Morrissey to end this misguided persecution of Clarence Moses-EL. Anything else would be a grave miscarriage of justice.”
“Mitch Morrissey’s decision to drag Clarence Moses-EL back into court when clear evidence points to his innocence amounts to reckless and unnecessary prosecutorial zeal,” said ACLU of Colorado Executive Director Nathan Woodliff-Stanley.  “As a public official sworn to uphold justice, Morrissey should listen to the thousands of concerned citizens who are encouraging him to stop this bogus trial before it starts."
WHAT: Delivery of petition calling on DA Morrissey to drop the Moses-EL case
WHO: ACLU of Colorado, ProgressNow Colorado, NAACP Statewide Coalition, Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR), coalition of community groups and citizens
WHEN: 3PM, Friday, November 4, 2016
WHERE: Denver District Attorney's Office, 201 W. Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80202
For more information, visit thisisnotjustice.org


Friday, November 4, 2016 - 10:35am

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On Thursday, October 27th,  the ACLU of Colorado, Just Vote! Colorado, Let My People VoteMi Familia Vota and Univision conducted a Telephone Town Hall on the new voting laws in Colorado. Thousands of Coloradans joined us for a lively discussion where we answered questions ranging from how to get a replacement ballot to how those experiencing homeless can vote. 


Monday, October 24, 2016 - 4:08pm

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