In his January 1964 article published in the New York Amsterdam News, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote that the “civil rights legislation now before Congress” was “born in the streets of Birmingham amid snarling dogs and the battering of fire hoses. It was fashioned in the jail cells of the South and by the marching feet in the North. It became the order of the day at the great March On Washington last summer” (King). In this characteristically poetic way, Dr. King traced the long, arduous, and tragically costly path that eventually led to the signing of the Civil Rights Act on July 2nd, 1964.
Fifty years later, it is our obligation to remember the great perseverance, sacrifice, and unbreakable faith of the many individuals whose united efforts culminated in the passage of this landmark legislation. It is also our responsibility to examine the progress made toward equal opportunity in the last half-decade and, most importantly, to reaffirm our commitment to continued endeavors for social justice.
Last Wednesday, the Department of the Interior (DOI) did just that at its 2014 Multi-Cultural Day at the Denver Federal Center. The event was centered on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act and featured speakers, artists, and nonprofits who promote social justice and civil rights. The ACLU of Colorado was invited to participate in the Exhibit Booth Show, which was an excellent opportunity to share the work we do in defense of Coloradoans’ civil rights with Federal Center employees. The vast majority of employees we spoke to were familiar with the ACLU, and many thanked us for our work. It was humbling and inspiring to receive the gratitude of people who regulate our national parks, lead energy commissions, and work for the Department of Education.

The ACLU’s booth


booth materials ACLU booth materials

List of organizations at the Exhibit Booth Show List of organizations at the Exhibit Booth Show

During a lull in booth activity, I attended a portion of the panel discussion on the Civil Rights Act and its impact. The panel consisted of professors and Department of Education employees who are involved in the study and remedy of contemporary civil rights issues. The moderator’s first question to the four panelists was: “In your opinion, what are the three most pressing civil rights issues of today?”  There were several issues that multiple panelists agreed were the most critical; these included voting rights, mass incarceration and prisoners’ rights, the school-to-prison pipeline, inequities in education, and immigration reform. Unsurprisingly, these issues align with the ACLU’s current priorities. As Judith Browne Dianis elucidates in her article “Under Fire” in the Winter 2014 edition of Stand magazine, the ACLU has been at the forefront of many of the most significant civil rights victories since 1964 (Browne Dianis, 28-33). Fifty years since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, the ACLU remains fervently dedicated to the protection and extension of individuals’ civil rights, and is committed to ameliorating the most pressing civil rights issues of today.
I left the DOI Multi-Cultural Day with a profound gratitude for the people (both past and present) who have tirelessly worked to empower, emancipate, and lift the lives of others. It is a great honor to work beside such dedicated guardians of others’ civil rights. And it is a true privilege to live in a country that passed the Civil Rights Act 50 years ago. As one panelist pointed out, progress toward social justice is never inevitable and rarely linear. But it is possible with the dedication, faith, and compassion of people like those who helped get the civil rights legislation into and through Congress. As we look toward the future, let us remember that we too are capable of producing such progress and that it is our responsibility to lift, rather than restrict, the lives of others.

Certificate given to the ACLU from the DOI Certificate given to the ACLU from the DOI


Browne Dianis, Judith. "Under Fire." Stand Winter 2014: 28-33. Print.
King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. "A Look to 1964." New York Amsterdam News [New York] 1 Jan. 1964: The King Center. Web. 17 July 2014. <>.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 9:48am

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (former Daily Show correspondent) featured a segment about the U.S. prison system on his show, and it's must-see TV. Mass incarceration, solitary confinement, prison conditions, prison privatization - all are touched upon. Check it out:

More information on the ACLU of Colorado's work on solitary confinement can be found on our Stop Solitary campaign page.

For information on what the ACLU of Colorado is doing to stop mass incarceration, visit our Criminal Justice issue page.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 2:11pm

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July 22, 2014
The coalition opposing Amendment 67 kicked off its statewide campaign today, vowing to once again defeat efforts to ban all abortions in Colorado, including in cases of rape and incest and when the health of a woman is at risk.
With the Colorado Capitol serving as the backdrop, speakers warned of the dangerous, far-reaching consequences of Amendment 67.
“Amendment 67 truly is an attack on family planning, an attack on a woman’s access to health care, an attack on the privacy of the doctor-patient relationship, and an attack on basic rights of women in Colorado,” said Vicki Cowart, CEO & President of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.
“Amendment 67 would remove a woman's ability to make her own reproductive health care decisions.”
The Vote NO 67 coalition is broad-based, bipartisan coalition of doctors, nurses and other health care advocates, groups working against domestic violence and on behalf of rape survivors, faith and civil rights leaders, and community organizations.
Dr. Ruben Alvero, a Colorado doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, warned of likely outcomes.
Amendment 67 would restrict access to emergency contraception and commonly used forms of birth control -- including the Pill and IUDs. It could impede the use of in-vitro fertilization for infertile couples who are hoping to have a family, Alevero said. And, stem cell research that is being used to fight chronic disease and disabilities could be restricted.
“Amendment 67 is bad medicine for women and for Colorado,” Alvero said. “It would allow the government and the courts to violate the sanctity of doctor/patient privacy, and allow government access to women’s private medical records.
“As an OB/GYN, I opposed this dangerous proposal when it was put before Colorado voters in 2008 and 2010. I oppose it again this year,” he said.
This is the third time proponents of Amendment 67 have attempted to ban all abortions in Colorado. Similar measures were overwhelmingly rejected by voters in 2008 and 2010. This year proponents are calling Amendment 67 the “Brady Amendment.”
If passed, Amendment 67 would expand the term “person” in the Colorado Constitution to include “unborn human being” – which has no established legal or medical definition, speakers noted. Further, the term “unborn human being” is not defined in the amendment – leaving the door wide open.
“We must protect women and their unborn children,” said Cristina Aguilar, executive director of the Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR). “But Amendment 67 does not address any of that. Amendment 67 is written in language that tries to trick us. It would actually do the opposite – it would criminalize women and outlaw all abortion, including women who are the victims of rape, incest, and when a women’s life is at risk.”
Aguilar highlighted the far-reaching and negative consequences for Latinas and their families. “This amendment would eliminate a Latina’s right to make personal, private decisions about her body and her health,” she said. “It would allow the government access to her private medical records.”
Nathan Woodliff-Stanley, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, described how Amendment 67 would invite the government into peoples’ personal, private lives.
“Quite simply, it means that the term “unborn human being” would apply to all stages of pregnancy – all the way back to a fertilized egg,” Woodliff-Stanley said. “Amendment 67 would make pregnant women and health care providers criminally liable for any pregnancy that does not result in a live birth, right from the very first moments of a pregnancy.”
“Women need the full range of health care options when it comes to family planning. Every woman is different and every situation is different,” noted Karen Middleton, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado. “Amendment 67 does the opposite of giving women informed choices. It’s dangerous and it limits their freedom to live their own lives.”
The Rev. Jann Halloran, president of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Of Colorado, highlighted concerns from the faith community.
“Decisions about family planning, pregnancy, birth control and emergency contraceptives should be resolved privately, based upon our own faith, our beliefs and values,” Halloran said.
Fofi Mendez, campaign manager for Vote NO 67, said, “Denying women access to medical treatments, and even contraception, does not protect women, their children and families,” Mendez said. “Coloradans saw through this and overwhelmingly voted this down in 2008 and 2010.
“Once again we need to deliver the message in November: No means no.”


Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 1:28pm

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