July 17, 2014
More than 5,000 Coloradans signed a petition that was delivered today to Colorado Attorney General John Suthers, urging him to stop wasting the state’s resources and allow all loving, committed couples the freedom to marry.
A group of couples and their families, faith leaders, elected officials, and community leaders from Why Marriage Matters Colorado gathered at the Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center over the lunch hour to present the petition signatures and ask Attorney General Suthers to stop his legal appeal and continued defense of Colorado's discriminatory marriage ban.
There have been more than 20 consecutive state and federal court rulings across the country declaring that same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional. Earlier this month, Adams County District Court Judge C. Scott Crabtree declared Colorado’s marriage ban unconstitutional. A federal 10th Circuit Court decision struck down a similar ban in Utah last month that could ultimately impact Colorado’s ban; a stay on that order will expire next Monday. There is also a pending federal case against Colorado’s marriage ban. Pamela Thiele and Lauren Fortmiller, who have been together for 13 years, said, “Attorney General Suthers is absolutely correct: we do need clarity. Gay families need clarity. The shortest route to clarity is to listen to the judges in Colorado and across the nation who have already said there is no valid opposing argument. Do we need to ask again? Let the judgment stand. Let us be. Let us be married.”
“Why does Attorney General Suthers insist on continuing his one-man crusade against the freedom to marry here in our state?" asked Dave Montez, executive director of statewide LGBT advocacy group One Colorado. "He concedes this ban is likely to be found unconstitutional. You have to wonder if this is more about rumors of his upcoming run for Mayor of Colorado Springs than anything else – and pandering to the right-wing extremists of his party. But Mr. Suthers, if this is really about your personal political ambitions, then thousands of our families should not be asked to pay the price. The people of Colorado deserve better."
“Even Attorney General Suthers has acknowledged that Colorado’s marriage ban is not likely to pass constitutional muster. If he’s looking for legal clarity, he can look to Republican Governors in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Nevada, who all recently decided to stop wasting taxpayer dollars defending similar indefensible bans,” said Nathan Woodliff-Stanley, ACLU of Colorado Executive Director.
The online petition support underscores popular support of freedom to marry – a recent Quinnipiac poll showed 61% of Coloradans now favor marriage equality.
Why Marriage Matters Colorado is broadening the dialogue with Coloradans about why marriage is important to same-sex couples and their families and why it is consistent with the values of liberty and freedom. More information on this statewide initiative – which is being spearheaded by leading statewide LGBT advocacy group One Colorado, ACLU of Colorado, and Freedom to Marry – can be found here: www.whymarriagematterscolorado.org 


Thursday, July 17, 2014 - 2:17pm

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Denver - Today, the Licencias Para Todos Colorado website will launch. This bilingual website is a one-stop shop for Coloradan immigrants who are now eligible to obtain driver’s licenses, instruction permits and identification cards under a state law passed in 2013.  The website, www.licenciasparatodoscolorado.com, is a collaboration between the ACLU of Colorado, The Meyer Law Office, Licencias Para Todos, ProgressNow Colorado, and the Colorado Latino Forum.
The website is available in English and Spanish at www.licenciasparatodoscolorado.com. The goal of this website is to give the applicants the information they need to navigate the process as efficiently as possible.
“Up to this point, there has been a lot of confusion around the process, and that is why we are working with the Department of Revenue on finding ways to better communicate with the public. The website will serve as a fountain of information for the community ” said Denise Maes, Public Policy Director, ACLU of Colorado.
The website lists out detailed information for applicants including all acceptable documents, phone numbers, and a guide of what steps to follow depending on their circumstances.
“There are a lot of nuances in this law, and we want to make sure that when applicants attend their appointment to obtain their license, that they are prepared with all of the necessary documents. We don't want individuals turned away because of misinformation,” said Julie Gonzales, Firm Manager, The Meyer Law Office.
www.licenciasparatodoscolorado.com is not affiliated with the Colorado Department of Revenue, and is sponsored by the ACLU of Colorado, The Meyer Law Office, ProgressNow Colorado, Licencias Para Todos and The Colorado Latino Forum.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 11:50am

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July 9, 2014
DENVER – Today, Colorado District Court Judge C. Scott Crabtree issued a ruling striking down Colorado’s unconstitutional marriage ban, with a stay pending appeal. In response, Wendy Howell, State Director of Why Marriage Matters Colorado – the broad coalition working to secure the freedom to marry for all committed couples in the Centennial State, released the following statement:
“Today, all across Colorado, committed same-sex couples who have waited for years, even decades, are closer than ever before to having the freedom to say those two magical words—‘I do’—here in the state we all call home.
“Today’s ruling, combined with the earlier decision of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, leaves no room for doubt that Colorado’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples is unconstitutional and indefensible.
“We call on Colorado Attorney General John Suthers and the other defendants to let today’s historic ruling stand and to drop, once and for all, their defense of Colorado’s unconstitutional marriage ban. With court after court recognizing the freedom to marry, their decision should be a simple and immediate one.
“It’s only a matter of time before wedding bells will be ringing all across the state. We recognize the determination and resolve of the couples and attorneys who brought this suit and everyone else who has worked hard, fought, and sacrificed to make today’s historic ruling a reality.”
Why Marriage Matters Colorado is broadening the dialogue with Coloradans about why marriage is important to same-sex couples and their families and why it is consistent with the values of liberty and freedom. More information on this statewide initiative – which is being spearheaded by leading statewide LGBT advocacy group One Colorado, ACLU of Colorado, and Freedom to Marry – can be found here: www.whymarriagematterscolorado.org


Wednesday, July 9, 2014 - 4:48pm

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