In a series of ads, Justin Simmons, Alexander Johnson and De’Vante Bausby, activists and NFL professional athletes for the Denver Broncos, urge Governor Polis to use his clemency powers to safely release people from prison and fight mass incarceration. The ads are the centerpiece of the launch of Colorado’s Redemption Campaign, a statewide initiative to safely release thousands of people who pose no public safety risk from Colorado prisons by challenging Governor Polis to use existing clemency powers in new and transformational ways. Learn more about the Redemption Campaign.

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The Broncos athletes and the Colorado Redemption Campaign call on Governor Polis to do more — to boldly exercise his clemency powers to undo the harms of mass incarceration and champion racial justice in Colorado. Email Governor Polis to safely release people now.

“Today a Black person has a one-in-three chance of ending up in prison. For us, that would be like losing 19 members of our football team. That's a major loss for us just as it is for our communities.” — Justin Simmons

De'Vante Bausby

In this personal video, De’Vante Bausby urges Governor Polis to use his clemency powers to safely release people from prison. He shares his story and why he believes in rehabilitation, healing and second chances. Redemption is real. Clemency is compassion. We ask Governor Polis to extend a hand.

“Governor Polis, you have the clemency power to save lives and to define what redemption looks like in our state." — De'Vante Bausby

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Alexander Johnson

In this heartfelt video, Alexander Johnson shares his story as a dad and Black man in America and joins the Redemption Campaign to safely release thousands of people from Colorado prisons by challenging Governor Polis to use his clemency powers.

“We have the most imprisoned people in the world and we are supposed to be a free state." — Alexander Johnson

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Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 2:00pm

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Photograph of Justin Simmons, activist and professional athlete, with the text "we the people? or we the prisons?"

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