"Proposition 115 does not extend compassionate care."

True story.

A 25-year-old patient and her husband go to their OBGYN’s office for a routine, mid-pregnancy ultrasound. They are excited - they’ve spent the last several months preparing for their new family and adventures yet to come. A few minutes later, their world turns upside down.

Their baby has anencephaly, a condition in which major parts of the brain and skull do not form.  It is a lethal diagnosis and a devastating blow to the parents to be. Their doctor discussed all options for care, and the young couple consulted with their pastor. Knowing that their baby would not survive, this family chose to end their pregnancy.

These are the types of second trimester pregnancy terminations for which Proposition 115 does not extend compassionate care.
Every day in Colorado, pregnant women and families receive unexpected lethal fetal diagnoses and are faced with the need to make gut-wrenching decisions. The fetus may have no kidneys, no functional brain, a severely malformed heart, or skeletal abnormalities that make survival a medical impossibility. The list is long. Women who receive a lethal fetal diagnosis also face a higher risk of health complications as pregnancy progresses. It must be emphasized that these are very wanted pregnancies in which something has gone terribly wrong.

Many lethal fetal diagnoses are not detected until 20-22 weeks gestation. If other confirmatory tests are needed, a patient could easily pass the 22-week mark in her pregnancy. Every patient’s situation is unique.  Proposition 115 would take away the right of a parent to pursue the avenue that is best for their family.

Chances are, you know someone who has walked this painful path. Unfortunately, in a super-charged political climate, families may not feel free to speak their truth, for fear of being judged or shamed. What these families deserve is compassion and support in their grief. Having worked in women’s health care for 27 years, I can tell you that no one knows what decision they will make until faced with serious pregnancy complications. As a society, we should be there to support pregnant women and families - not condemn them.
Thoughtful people across the political spectrum may feel conflicted in the debate over Proposition 115. But in order to show compassion and support for Colorado families, this measure must be defeated. Let’s work together, instead, on solutions that empower and support individuals and families. Proposition 115 will have many unintended consequences for Colorado families. We must respect patients’ decisions because it is their decision to make, not mine, and not yours. I hope you will join me in voting no on Proposition 115.

Dr. Lisa Becker, MD is a High Risk Pregnancy Obstetrician in Denver, CO


Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - 1:15pm

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The ACLU of Colorado believes that the right of free speech includes your right, at your own home, to post a sign or fly a flag that expresses your views. We are investigating complaints that HOAs have objected when residents have displayed pride flags or Black Lives Matter yard signs.

Has your homeowners association (HOA) or Metro District sent you a recent violation letter or threatened a fine because you were flying a certain flag or posted a certain sign in your yard? If you believe your HOA or Metro District is infringing on your right of free expression, please contact the ACLU of Colorado at [email protected].  

In your email, please let us know:

  • The name of your subdivision, HOA, or metro district; 
  • What flag or sign your HOA or Metro District objected to; and 
  • The reason they provided for that objection.  

Please also provide us with any violation letter or notice that you received, as well as your contact information.

Learn more about HOA infringement in Colorado:

What kind of flag can I fly outside my house?








Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - 2:15pm

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