Amicus Brief

On November 6, 2023, we filed two amicus briefs together with the MacArther Justice Center and the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality, in two jury selection cases before the Colorado Supreme Court, People v. Johnson and People v. Austin.  These cases are part of our Systemic Equality and Smart Justice projects.  Our amicus briefs argue that prosecutors cannot exclude people of color from juries based on their experiences of racial injustice with police. Mislabeling these experiences as race-neutral reasons for removal leads to unchecked racial discrimination in jury selection, damaging the integrity of the legal system.

In jury trials in Colorado, each side can remove a certain number of potential jurors from the panel without the need for any reason or explanation, so long as the reason is not unconstitutional. These removals are referred to as “preemptory strikes.” In Batson v. Kentucky, the U.S. Supreme Court held that intentional racial discrimination in jury selection is unconstitutional, and prosecutors may not use their preemptory strikes to strike potential jurors because of their race. But in two cases in the Colorado Supreme Court, the government argued that prosecutors weren’t striking jurors “because of their race” when they used preemptory strikes on jurors who talked about their experience with police officers’ racial bias. 

In People v. Johnson, a prosecutor used a preemptory strike on the only Black juror on the panel, citing the juror’s questionnaire, where she had written that she had bad experiences with police, who were disrespectful “based on certain racial identities.”

In People v. Austin, a non-white juror indicated that she had been racially profiled by police and that she had been part of a group seeking to change a racially biased Denver Police Department ticketing practice. The prosecutor sought to use a preemptory strike on her because of her involvement in the reforms of the Denver Police Department.

In both cases, the trial court found that the reasons articulated by the prosecution for the strikes were race neutral. The Court of Appeals reversed the trial court in each case, finding Batson violations.

In Johnson, the Court of Appeals concluded that “a Black juror’s personal experience with law enforcement that is race based, is not, on its face, a racial-neutral explanation.” Therefore, it was unconstitutional to strike the juror because the strike was based on race. The Court of Appeals also concluded that the race-based reason the prosecutor articulated tainted the other reason provided, and therefore the Batson challenge should have been sustained. In Austin, the Court of Appeals echoed its decision in Johnson, concluding the prosecutor’s strike based on the juror’s personal experience and involvement in racial justice activism was not race-neutral reasons, and the Batson challenge should have been sustained.

The government seeks rulings that would allow them to strike jurors of color based on nothing more than their personal experiences with racially-biased policing.   

Our brief argues that jurors of color’s personal racialized experiences with police and their participation in racial justice efforts are not grounds to exclude them from juries.  To hold otherwise is to invite racial discrimination into the jury selection process. Our brief discusses pervasive police discrimination against people of color in Colorado, the deep connections between lived experience and racial justice activism, and the harm racial discrimination in jury selection does to the legal system. We are urging the court to exercise its authority under the Colorado Constitution to prevent prosecutors from striking jurors of color because of their lived experience of racial injustice, and to hold that any racial discrimination in the exercise of a preemptory strike renders it unconstitutional.


Timothy Macdonald, Sara Neel, Emma Mclean-Riggs


Mark T. Clouatre, Blake A. Gansborg, and Cristina Lehm, of Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP.


Wednesday, November 8, 2023 - 9:00am

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On October 30, 2023, we filed an amicus brief calling for the Colorado Supreme Court to recognize that a person held at a police station for two hours, restrained with bags over her hands, interrogated, and not permitted to leave, is in police custody, no matter how police characterize the situation. Officers from the City of Craig, Colorado Police Department found Rachel Niemeyer, sobbing and highly intoxicated, in a motel room with her husband, who had suffered a gunshot wound.  Police officers took Ms. Niemeyer to the police station, zip-tied bags over her hands, and interrogated her for two hours without Miranda warnings. Ms. Niemeyer pleaded at least a dozen times to be taken to the hospital to see her husband, but police refused to do so. At some point, an officer told her a single time that she was not under arrest, but the police continued to detain her, refused her repeated requests to remove the zip-ties, and questioned her in an interrogation room with a closed door. Despite these facts of obvious police detention, the Court of Appeals concluded that she was not in custody and police were not required inform her of her Miranda rights before interrogating her.

In a context where police routinely deceive people as part of interrogation, overweighting officers’ description of events is dangerous to our civil liberties. We’re urging the court to consider the totality of Ms. Niemeyer’s circumstances, find that she was entitled to Miranda warnings, and overturn her conviction.


Friday, November 3, 2023 - 3:00pm

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On September 14, 2023, we filed an amicus brief together with the national ACLU and several other ACLU affiliates in VoteAmerica, et al. v. Schwab, et al., a voting rights and First Amendment case in the Tenth Circuit.  The case presented a challenge to a Kansas law that restricted voting rights by criminally prohibiting out of state civil organizations from personalizing absentee voting applications by prefilling the voters’ basic information from the voter file.  The district court struck down the statute as a violation of the First Amendment in the voting rights/electoral context, upholding the rights of organizations to support voters who want to submit absentee applications.  Our amicus brief supports striking down the restrictions as a violation of the First Amendment and sets the record straight regarding the protections afforded to core political speech. 


Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 12:00pm

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